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Product Management Marty Cagan

What Product Managers Do At Winning Companies

Marty Cagan joins the Google Design Sprint Chapter Meetup to highlight the fundamentals applied at the best product companies that empower teams to do their best work and deliver innovative solutions.


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Product Leadership Marty Cagan

Product Leadership Conversation with Sohrab Salimi

Marty Cagan joins Sohrab Salimi on Agile Insights to discuss the necessary role of product leadership, from product, design, and engineering, in an empowered product team company.


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Product Teams Marty Cagan

Product Teams: The Best vs. The Rest

Marty Cagan joins Team Plato at the Elevate Summer Summit to talk about the differences between how the best product companies work versus how most product companies operate.


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Product Development Marty Cagan

Yes, Product is Hard, but WHY?

Marty Cagan’s keynote at ProductTank outlines the common challenges with building a successful product organization and the culture necessary to create empowered product teams.


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Product Leadership Marty Cagan

Product Leadership is Hard

Marty Cagan joins Dan Olsen on Lean Product Meetup to discuss the necessary role of product leadership, from product, design, and engineering, in an empowered product team company.


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Product Development Christian Idiodi

Product is Still Hard

Christian Idiodi speaks at INDUSTRY Virtual 2020 on the common challenges at product companies and how empowered product teams are structured differently to do their best work.


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Product Leadership Christian Idiodi

Coaching Product People Dojo

Christian Idiodi joins the Product Leader Summit to talk about how the most important role of product leaders is coaching to develop individuals so they can unlock their full potential in an empowered product organization.


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Product Management Marty Cagan

Product Management: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Marty Cagan speaks with The Product Folks about the role of a Product Manager in different organizations and what is to be a real Product Manager versus a Project Manager.


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Product Discovery Christian Idiodi

Enhanced Product Discovery – Part 2 – Fireside Chat

Christian Idiodi follows up his talk at Lean Product Meetup with a Fireside Chat to answer questions about enhanced product discovery and the role of Product Management at an empowered product organization.


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Product Development Marty Cagan

Product Discovery & Empowered Product Teams

In this AMA session on the Toronto Product Mastery Series, Marty Cagan explores three broad topics including Product Discovery, Product Strategy and Empowered Product Teams.


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Product Strategy Marty Cagan

Product Strategy: The Missing Link

Marty Cagan joins Dan Olsen at Lean Product Meetup to discuss and answer questions about how the best companies tackle Product Strategy to consistently drive innovation.


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Product Management Marty Cagan

Behind Every Great Product

Marty Cagan delivers a keynote at Mind the Product to discuss the role of Product Management and how instrumental it is in developing and delivering world class products.


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