Tag Archive: product management

Product Marty Cagan

Great Products By Design

I do not believe great products happen by accident. In every case, behind every great product I find that there...


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Product Marty Cagan

Meeting Hell

Do you ever feel like you come in early, work frantically until late in the evening, day after day, week...


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Product Management Marty Cagan

Product vs. Marketing

In many product organizations there are problems between product and marketing. The problems might range from mild friction to downright...


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Product Culture Marty Cagan


Sometimes being a product manager can feel like being on Survivor, and worrying about your product team voting you out...


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Product Marty Cagan

Startup Product Management

I’ve been working with quite a few startups over the past few years, usually in an advisory capacity, but sometimes...


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Product Marty Cagan

The Role of Domain Experience

This week a friend called to ask my opinion of a product management leader – I’ll call him David –...


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Product Culture Marty Cagan

Famous Product Managers

What do the following people all have in common? – Marc Andreessen, co-founder of Netscape – Jeff Bezos, founder of...


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