Tag Archive: product management

Product Marty Cagan

The VP Product Role

If you take a look at the list of open product positions at the end of my recent newsletter, you’ll...


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Product Marty Cagan

Consensus vs. Collaboration

While mostly I focus on the techniques and best practices for creating great products, I have truly come to appreciate...


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Product Marty Cagan

Beyond Usability

In this article I wanted to try to make the case that as an industry we need to expand the...


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Product Management Marty Cagan

Process Police

Readers of my book and articles know how much I value a strong project manager.  I’ve written earlier about the...


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Product Management Marty Cagan

Defining Product

In the consumer packaged goods industry, most people have a pretty clear image in mind when you refer to the...


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Product Marty Cagan

Regaining Your Product Mojo

In my last article, I talked about the problem where your product organization has been relegated to the role of...


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Product Marty Cagan

Portfolio Grooming

I have never seen a technology product company that didn’t have more ideas they wanted to pursue, than capacity for...


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Product Management Marty Cagan

Product Roadmaps

I can¹t tell you how many times product managers have shown me their sophisticated spreadsheets and algorithms for prioritizing their...


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Product Management Marty Cagan

Product Manager vs. Business Analyst

In certain companies, mostly those that have an IT heritage (see https://svpg.com/moving-from-it-to-product-organization), there may be an additional role somewhere in...


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Product Management Marty Cagan

Laid Off; Now What?

Many of you probably saw that eBay recently had a lay-off, and given the condition of the economy they are...


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Product Management Marty Cagan

Product Management and Risk

In a very real sense, every product manager is in the risk management business. Every investment decision we make represents...


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