113 Search Results for agile

Product Marty Cagan

Roadmap Alternative FAQ

In my prior article I discussed my favorite alternative to conventional product roadmaps.  That article seemed to strike a chord in people, and I received quite a bit of very positive feedback.  However, I also received more than a few...


Product Marty Cagan

The Alternative to Roadmaps

I have always loved the General George Patton quote: “Don’t tell people what to do; tell them what you need accomplished, and you’ll be amazed at the results.” Unfortunately, typical roadmaps do just what the General warned against – they...


Product Design Marty Cagan

Product Fail

NOTE: This article is a narrative version of a talk I’ve given for developers at the Craft Conference and for product managers and designers at Mind The Product. In this article I’d like to discuss the root causes of so many...


Product Marty Cagan

Autonomy vs. Leverage

Virtually every leading tech company has jumped on the empowered, dedicated/durable, cross-functional, collaborative product team bandwagon, and I think things are much better for it.  I don’t see very many companies that are still using the old models (primarily the pool...


Product Marty Cagan

Product vs. IT Mindset

The role of the product organization is to consistently deliver significant new value to the business through continuous product innovation.  At a startup, the product team either innovates and provides real value or the startup dies.  However, in larger, more...


Product Marty Cagan

The Delivery Manager Role

I have always been interested in taking the holistic view of product teams and understanding and appreciating each and every critical role.  In a recent article I wrote about the dynamics of strong teams versus weak teams, and judging from...


Product Marty Cagan

Good Product Team / Bad Product Team

NOTE: My friend and colleague Jeff Patton is the author of a book on the general topic of User Stories and especially the technique of Story Mapping.  I was asked to write a foreword for this new book, and this...


Product Marty Cagan

Milestone Swarming

In my last article, I discussed the power of milestones and I promised I’d talk about one of my favorite techniques for rapidly delivering on milestones.  First, as a reminder, by milestone I mean delivering on some significant achievement for your business....


Product Marty Cagan

The Power of Milestones

In this article I wanted to talk about a concept that seems to be increasingly missing in product teams. I find too many product teams just pounding away on the product backlog, story by story.  Too many members of the...


Product Marty Cagan

Epic Waste

Much has been written about waste at startups.  I started writing about this as far back as 2005 (see Startup Product Management), and this concept is at the core of the Lean Startup movement. Lately there’s been much talk and ink...


Product Marty Cagan

This I Believe

This article is a little bit different, but if you make it to the last paragraph, I’m hoping it will help better explain where I’m coming from. In the spirit of the inspirational This I Believe project, I thought I would share...


Product Marty Cagan

Top-Down Dates

In my last article, I discussed how we manage public commitments in an Agile, Dual-Track environment.  In that article I talked about those public commitments that are needed to run a business, such as when a customer can count on...


Product Marty Cagan

High-Integrity Commitments

The past several articles have discussed the nature of Continuous Discovery.  In this article I’d like to discuss another dimension of working effectively in an Agile environment, which is how we manage commitments. In most Agile teams, when you mention...


Product Discovery Marty Cagan

Continuous Discovery

I have written recently about how product teams do product discovery in parallel with product delivery.  I have also written about how teams sometimes like to time-box their product discovery work. What I’d like to write about in this article...


Product Marty Cagan

The Opportunity Backlog

Recently I was with my friend Jeff Patton, one of the pioneers in applying Agile to product organizations, and he told that he has been advocating the term “Opportunity Backlog” as an alternative to the product roadmap. I have written...
