154 Search Results for Product Strategy

Product Operating Model Lea Hickman

Transformation Theater

By Lea Hickman and Marty Cagan Recently we’ve been writing about two very common and very problematic forms of theater: product management theater, and product leadership theater. We’ve been intentionally trying to shine a bright light on these behaviors, as...


Product Operating Model Marty Cagan

Transformed FAQ

This page is here to hold questions and answers that come up once the TRANSFORMED book is published and we can no longer add them to the “Objections” section of the book. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIONS AND QUESTIONS “Our product managers are...


Product Operating Model Marty Cagan

Transformation Fail

The Root Causes of Failed Transformations It is an open secret that the vast majority of attempted digital transformations fail.  Companies spend millions of dollars and years of effort, yet fail to make meaningful change.  The only real question is...


Product Operating Model Marty Cagan

Announcing The TRANSFORMED Workshop

For those of you that have been following along on the progress of the new book TRANSFORMED, the content is now roughly three quarters of the way there.  The remaining sections discuss how to address specific objections, and overcome inevitable...


Product Operating Model Jon Moore

Changing How You Decide Which Problems To Solve

By Jon Moore and Marty Cagan This is the third of the three-article sequence diving into what is meant by meaningful transformation. So far we’ve talked about the need to change how you build, and the need to change how...


Product Jon Moore

The Transformation Series

We are working on the next book in the SVPG series called TRANSFORMED.  It addresses the very difficult but critical topic of how a company can transform from the rest to the best. As you may know, we often test...


Product Culture Jon Moore

Transformation Defined

By Jon Moore and Marty Cagan There are so many anti-patterns when it comes to transformation.  Many of us have witnessed failed transformations, but few have witnessed true successes.  Which makes the lessons learned from successful transformations unusually valuable.  We...


Product Leadership Marty Cagan

Coaching vs. Mentoring

To continue on with the coaching series, one question that frequently comes up is the difference between coaching and mentoring?  Is there even a meaningful difference? I don’t know if there’s any definitive authority on these terms, but many years...


Product Leadership Marty Cagan

Inspired and Empowered

After a nearly two-year effort, I’m very happy to report that our new book EMPOWERED is finally available for pre-order (hardcover, digital or audio), and scheduled for release worldwide in early December. In this article, I wanted to explain the...


Product Discovery Marty Cagan

Discovery – Learning vs. Insights

I introduced the term product discovery about 15 years ago, and I’ve loved watching the industry gradually broaden its mind from the concept of someone – either an old-school business analyst or a product manager – defining requirements, to the...


Product Culture Lea Hickman

Keys To Successful Transformation

By Lea Hickman and Marty Cagan In the earlier article on Meaningful Transformation, we talked about the steps necessary to effectively transform, and in the following article on Transformation in Action, we gave an example of just what a transformed...


Product Culture Marty Cagan

Meaningful Transformation

Now that more people have a clearer understanding of the differences between feature teams and empowered product teams, by far the most common question I get is how to move to true product teams? This is essentially a question of...
