139 Search Results for Product Strategy

Product Development Marty Cagan

Planning Product Discovery

Much of product discovery work doesn’t actually require a lot of planning. We need to come up with a solution to a particular problem, and often this is straight forward, and we can proceed quickly to delivery work.  But for certain...


Product Management Marty Cagan

Behind Every Great Product

When I first decided to start The Silicon Valley Product Group, I had just left eBay and had some very strong opinions about what makes great product teams, and great product cultures...


Product Design Marty Cagan

Vision vs. Strategy

Overview In recent articles on keys to product success and the alternative to roadmaps I have highlighted that if you want the benefits of product team empowerment and autonomy, then you need to provide each team with the necessary context in which to make...


Product Teams Marty Cagan

Product Success

Exactly a year ago I was invited to give a keynote at the Craft Conference in Budapest and I discussed the 10 biggest reasons why product teams fail.  You can read the narrative article here. As I mainly shined a light on why so...


Product Marty Cagan

Product Market Fit

In earlier articles I’ve discussed various aspects of Minimum Viable Product (which I like to refer to as MVP Tests to avoid any confusion with an actual product). In this article I’d like to say more about the critical concept of...


Product Marty Cagan

Developing Strong Product Teams

Note: This article is a collaboration between myself and my long-time friend and colleague Jeff Patton.  We often work together to help product teams. We have both long argued that the best way to evaluate product teams is by their...


Product Martina Lauchengco

Product Marketing Contribution

Jane is supporting the launch of Product X, a new release her company is really excited about. She is on the marketing team. Armed with her launch checklist, she schedules a meeting with John, the product manager.  At the meeting,...


Product Marty Cagan

The Product Manager Contribution

Recently I was asked by a very smart CTO: “I understand the need for a great product designer, but if we have a strong designer, and that person is paired with a strong technology lead, do we really still need...


Product Marty Cagan

Product Manager vs. Product Owner

UPDATE: There is a new article that expands on this important topic: Two in a Box PM All too often I run into companies that have resigned themselves to having two different people covering the product role. Usually the way...


Product Marty Cagan

Product Market Fit vs. Product Vision

Earlier I expanded on the notion of Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and I promised a series of articles that explores aspects of MVP Tests that often cause product teams confusion.  In this article, I’d like to discuss the relationship between...


Product Marty Cagan

The VP Product Role

If you take a look at the list of open product positions at the end of my recent newsletter, you’ll notice a record number of VP/Director of Product positions.  In part this reflects the growth we are experiencing in our...


Product Management Marty Cagan

Defining Product

In the consumer packaged goods industry, most people have a pretty clear image in mind when you refer to the “product” that they manage or work on.   You can hold the bar of soap or the razor in your hand. ...


Product Marty Cagan

Top 10 Reasons for Weak Product

In my last article I discussed the top reasons for slow product, and here I wanted to highlight the top reasons for weak product.  I am defining weak product here as product that fails to meet its objectives and provide...


Product Marty Cagan

Regaining Your Product Mojo

In my last article, I talked about the problem where your product organization has been relegated to the role of a service organization, largely documenting the decisions and desires of others.  I must have struck a chord because I received...


Product Marty Cagan

The Product Discovery Plan

In my last article, I discussed the situation where Product Discovery is essentially not discovery at all, but rather just a mad dash of just-in-time spec writing so that the engineers can be kept busy.  I discussed how important it...
