139 Search Results for Product Strategy

Product Leadership Marty Cagan

Alternatives To Product Leaders

This is the second of two related articles talking about the alternatives to product managers and product leaders.  In the first article, I discussed how the product manager’s responsibilities of value and viability can, under the right conditions, be covered...


Product Marty Cagan

Alternatives To Product Managers

I doubt anyone is surprised to learn that many people have been asking me about Brian Chesky’s recent comments. I’ve been hesitant to write about this topic for two reasons:  First, I didn’t want to provide oxygen to this topic,...


Product Operating Model Marty Cagan

The Product Model at Spotify

By Marty Cagan and Joakim Sundén  Marty’s Note:  I have been a long-time fan of Spotify.  The fact that they compete against some of the best product companies in the world (including Amazon, Apple and Google), yet they have continued...


Product Operating Model Marty Cagan

Product Model Competencies

NOTE: The context of this article is that for the upcoming book TRANSFORMED, this overview is intended to introduce the new core competencies that the product operating model requires.  But unlike other descriptions of these roles I’ve published, these are...


Product Operating Model SVPG

The Product Operating Model: An Introduction 

The Product Operating Model Defined The product operating model, also referred to as the product model, is a conceptual model based on a set of first principles that leading product companies believe to be true about creating products.   The product...


Product Coaching Marty Cagan

Becoming a Product Coach

Over the past couple of years, I have been more vocal about the industry’s need for more skilled product coaches.  Partly this is due to the sheer volume of companies that today realize they need to adopt the practices of the...


Product Marty Cagan

Product vs. Policy

Most people today know that when we refer to “product,” we mean that in a very holistic sense.  It’s not just the code.  It’s not just the user interface.  It’s not just the app.  It is meant to reflect the...


Product Culture Marty Cagan

Types of Product Coaching

When I announced the experimental Coach the Coaches session in London in May, I really didn’t know what level of interest to expect, but the demand has been remarkable and very encouraging.  I was worried we wouldn’t be able to...


Product Management Marty Cagan

Product Ops Overview

As Product School says in their survey article trying to define what Product Ops is: “Product Ops operates differently at every company.”  Which might be true, but isn’t very helpful.   From my own interactions with companies implementing or exploring Product...


Product Leadership Marty Cagan

Product Leadership Is Hard

So many people I meet naively believe that the key to empowering product teams is simply to get the management to back off, stop micromanaging, and give their product teams some space to do their jobs. But as I’ve tried...


Product Marty Cagan

Product Vision FAQ

In the previous article discussing product vision versus mission, I received quite a few follow-up questions.  Most of these have been addressed in earlier articles and in INSPIRED, but I thought it would be useful to gather together an FAQ...


Product Marty Cagan

Product Vision vs. Mission

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry The product vision is...


Product Culture Marty Cagan

What is a Product?

I promise this will not be one of those navel-gazing exercises.  This is going to be a very pragmatic article about a critical and fundamental topic. One of the consequences of the popularity of the earlier article on empowered product...


Product Culture Marty Cagan

Empowered Product Teams

Note: This is the narrative article version of a talk I’ve started giving recently at conferences, product meetups and corporate leadership teams.  It is a long read, but I believe it’s a critically important topic, and it lays out for...


Product Management Marty Cagan

Product Manager vs. Product Owner Revisited

UPDATE: There is a new article that expands on this important topic: Two in a Box PM Five years ago I wrote an article arguing that it is essential that the product manager is also the product owner.  My motivation, which I...
