194 Search Results for Product Discovery

Product Management Marty Cagan

Common PM Problem Areas

Recently I was at a dinner with several product leaders, and I was asked what the most common areas of confusion I encounter in product teams today? I thought it was a good question, and I described several situations, and...


Product Culture Marty Cagan

Scaling Agile FAQ

Recently I published an article Revenge of the PMO that argues against a particular framework for agile at scale known as SAFe.  This was a bit unusual for me in that I normally don’t like to write much about process...


Product Marty Cagan

Customer Inspired; Technology Enabled

One of the most enduring myths in the product world is that great products result from listening to your customers (or prospective customers).  But just as Jeff Bezos said in his latest Shareholder Letter, “No customer ever asked Amazon to...


Product Management Marty Cagan

Focus on Value

I have a little heuristic which I find useful.  If I see a particular issue going on in at least three companies at the same time, I figure it’s a common and serious enough issue that it’s worth writing about....


Product Development Marty Cagan

Beyond Lean and Agile

I have been working exclusively with technology product teams now for a full 35 years, and I’ve seen countless processes, methodologies and techniques come and go. In large part that’s the nature of the beast.  People are always searching for...


Product Marty Cagan

Technology-Powered Disruption

Most people by now have read Marc Andreessen’s Why Software Is Eating The World.   This was written back in 2011, and I’ve been watching his predictions play out in companies all around the world.  While my focus is primarily...


Product Marty Cagan

Autonomy vs. Initiatives

To continue on the series on team autonomy (see autonomy vs. leverage, autonomy vs. mission and autonomy vs. ownership), I wanted to add one more important dimension to this discussion which concerns the practical implications of working on large, multi-team initiatives....


Product Marty Cagan

Profit and Loss Responsibility

One question that I continue to get from many company leaders is whether or not product managers should be given P&L responsibility for their products. The origin of this question comes from the days when companies had a portfolio of...


Product Marty Cagan

Milestone Swarming

In my last article, I discussed the power of milestones and I promised I’d talk about one of my favorite techniques for rapidly delivering on milestones.  First, as a reminder, by milestone I mean delivering on some significant achievement for your business....


Product Marty Cagan

The Role of Analytics

One of the most significant changes in how we do product today is our use of analytics.   Any capable product leader today is expected to be comfortable with data, and understand how to leverage analytics to learn and improve...


Product Marty Cagan

This I Believe

This article is a little bit different, but if you make it to the last paragraph, I’m hoping it will help better explain where I’m coming from. In the spirit of the inspirational This I Believe project, I thought I would share...


Product Marty Cagan

Assessing Customer Impact

In my last article I wrote about the trends of continuous discovery and continuous delivery.  At the end of the article I pointed out that while I love these techniques because overall they are much better for our customers, and for...


Product Marty Cagan

Dual-Track Agile

UPDATE: Starting with the publication of INSPIRED V2, I stopped using the term “Dual-track Agile” because the phrase made people focus far too much on process, and not enough on the principles.  I wrote why this is the case here. ...


Product Marty Cagan

Meeting Hell

Do you ever feel like you come in early, work frantically until late in the evening, day after day, week after week, yet at the end of the month you didn’t get anything important done? Is your day packed with...
