154 Search Results for Product Strategy

Product Martina Lauchengco

What’s in a Name? Less Than You Think.

No one coming to your website? Company image tired? Business plans changed? It’s time for a rebrand! Or maybe not. Somehow “brand” became magic pixie dust to sprinkle on company problems and make them go away. But you can’t create...


Product Marty Cagan

Engineering Wants to Rewrite!

Few words are more dreaded by product managers than being told by engineering: “No more new features! We need to stop and rewrite! Our code base is a mess, it can’t keep up with the number of users, it’s a...


Product Marty Cagan

Beware of Specials

How many times have you seen the situation where a sales rep brings to the CEO a proposal from a prospect that says, “if you will just add these seven features to your product then we’ll buy your software and...


Product Marty Cagan

Agile Development Processes

Many product development organizations have been experimenting with what has become known as “Agile Software Development” methods, the most popular of which at the time of this writing is known as “Extreme Programming” (XP) but there are several others including...
