154 Search Results for Product Strategy

Product Marty Cagan

Autonomy vs. Initiatives

To continue on the series on team autonomy (see autonomy vs. leverage, autonomy vs. mission and autonomy vs. ownership), I wanted to add one more important dimension to this discussion which concerns the practical implications of working on large, multi-team initiatives....


Product Marty Cagan

Autonomy vs. Mission

In my last article I discussed the trade-offs between the sometimes conflicting goals of team autonomy versus leverage.  Quite a few of you wrote to me and said this was a hot topic at your company, and several asked about the...


Product Marty Cagan

The Power of Customer Misbehavior

There are of course many ways to come up with significant new product ideas.  Historically, the two main approaches have been: 1) to try to assess the market opportunities and pick potentially lucrative areas where significant pain exists; and 2)...


Product Marty Cagan

Selecting An Agile Coach

I should have written this article many years ago. Starting around 2004 and 2005 I began seeing an increasing number of teams moving to Agile, and of course the first thing they needed was training and often some coaching. However,...


Product Marty Cagan

Lean Canvas vs. Opportunity Assessment

One question that’s come up several times recently is the difference between an Opportunity Assessment, and a Business Model Canvas (or its popular derivative Lean Canvas). While it is true you could try to use each to serve the purpose...


Product Marty Cagan

Value Creation vs. Value Capture

People approach creating products from many different perspectives.  Some seek out customer pain and dedicate themselves to solving their problems.  Others follow the technology and strive to deliver solutions that are just now possible.  Some like to follow competitors and...


Product Marty Cagan

Continuous Discovery

I have written recently about how product teams do product discovery in parallel with product delivery.  I have also written about how teams sometimes like to time-box their product discovery work. What I’d like to write about in this article...


Product Marty Cagan

The Opportunity Backlog

Recently I was with my friend Jeff Patton, one of the pioneers in applying Agile to product organizations, and he told that he has been advocating the term “Opportunity Backlog” as an alternative to the product roadmap. I have written...


Product Marty Cagan

Measuring Innovation

Measuring innovation is a popular topic lately.  Many product teams use Product Scorecards to keep their focus on outcomes rather than output.   Eric Ries introduced the term “Innovation Accounting” for this purpose as well. However, as much as I like...


Product Marty Cagan

Lean Thinking

A while ago I posted an article on people that I think have something really valuable to say to product leaders.  One of those people I discussed was Eric Ries, author of the blog http://www.startuplessonslearned.com.  I also promised that I’d...


Product Marty Cagan

The Most Important Thing V1

There are several skills and activities that are important when coming up with great products.  In my last article, I argued for the absolute necessity of having good data about how our products are actually being used. But in the...


Product Development Marty Cagan

Top 10 Reasons for Slow Velocity

I work with quite a few product teams, and after a while you start to see patterns.  Many organizations are frustrated because they believe that it takes far too long to move from concept to delivery.  They often just blame...


Product Marty Cagan

The Office Of Silicon Valley

Regular readers of this blog know that I’m all about true collaboration, where product leaders, designers and engineers work together to discover products that customers love.  Mostly I talk about the process and techniques involved in this, but today I...


Product Management Marty Cagan

You’re Not Helping

Most of my writing is aimed at the product organization, and in helping that organization evolve to where it needs to be to truly serve the needs of the company.    I have also written about how the leaders of the...


Product Marty Cagan

The Board of Advisors

In my last article I began a series on the product planning process. I wanted to start by emphasizing that the most critical aspect to product planning is to have an effective mechanism for separating the good ideas from the...
