139 Search Results for Product Strategy

Product Strategy Marty Cagan

Product Strategy – Management

Continuing on our series on product strategy, at this point we have focused the organization on a small number of truly important problems, and we have identified the key insights that we will leverage, and have converted these insights into...


Product Marty Cagan

Product Strategy – Actions

Continuing with the series on product strategy, in this article we need to leverage our insights into action. At this point we have focused on a very small number of critical problems, and we have done the hard work to...


Product Strategy Marty Cagan

Product Strategy – Insights

Continuing with the product strategy series, in this article I’d like to discuss my favorite, yet the most difficult, aspect of product strategy, which is to generate, identify and leverage the insights that will provide the foundation of the product...


Product Strategy Marty Cagan

Product Strategy – Focus

To continue with our series on product strategy, in this article I’d like to focus on, well, focus.  The importance of truly “picking your battles” as an organization. And I don’t just mean deciding what to work on and not...


Product Strategy Marty Cagan

Product Strategy – Overview

Ultimately, empowered product teams are all about giving teams hard problems to solve, and then giving them the space to solve them.  But, how do we decide which problems they should solve?  Answering that question is what product strategy is...


Product Management Marty Cagan

Analyzing Product Strategy

One of the key responsibilities of a strong product manager or product leader is to understand your market and industry; which trends are relevant, what the competitive landscape looks like, how business models are evolving, and the broader industry dynamics. ...


Product Marty Cagan

Business Strategy vs. Product Strategy

In keeping with my recent theme of product planning, I’d like to focus in this article on an important distinction and source of frustration in many companies, and that has to do with the differences between business strategy and product...


Product Marty Cagan

Product Strategy in an Agile World

Recently I spoke with a team of very frustrated Scrum engineers. They were frustrated because they felt like all they were doing for the past year was chasing features and that the product manager really had no clue where they...


Product Operating Model Marty Cagan

The Moral Case for the Product Model

In virtually all of my writing and speaking, I try to make the business case for the product model.   I’ve taken many different approaches, from the need to better take care of your customers, to the need to respond to...


Product Operating Model Marty Cagan

The Product Model in Government 

By Marty Cagan and Stacey Langer  Marty’s Note: This article continues the series probing the edges of the product model.  In the last article we discussed what aspects of the product model apply to Traditional IT organizations.  Here, we explore...


Product Operating Model Marty Cagan

The Product Model and Org Design

When a company is transforming to the product model, one very common question we often get is whether they will need to reorganize as part of that transformation?  TL;DR: in most cases, a reorg is not necessary. That said, the...


Product Coaching Marty Cagan

Good Product Coach / Bad Product Coach 

With the release of TRANSFORMED, the good news is that we are hearing from more companies than ever before that believe they need to begin the journey to the product operating model.   The challenge is that many of these companies...


Product Operating Model Marty Cagan

The Product Model at Amazon 

By Marty Cagan and Richard Russell Marty’s Note:  Recently I co-authored an article on The Product Model at Spotify with one of Spotify’s early product coaches.  This proved to be one of our most popular articles, and many people shared...


Product Operating Model Marty Cagan

Product Model Concepts

I started writing about the importance of focusing on achieving outcomes over just shipping output back in 2007, when I first started writing about the importance of product discovery. Learning to consistently achieve outcomes is unquestionably tougher than delivering outputs, but...


Product Management Marty Cagan

Product Predictions 2024

Recently I was invited by Productboard to give a talk on the topic of what 2024 might have in store for the product community.  If you prefer to watch a video (60 min), you can find the recording here.  But...
